Just so you know Treefrogproductions
(formally known as ToxicSnafu) created the user Icon for me.
And on other news, my animation is turning out better than ever. It will be rated higher than family guy and as high as you are after 5 doses of crack.
Also, I am trying to create an advertisement for Newgrounds and all with the help of some other people that will be shown on Television when all money is raised. For more information on that, click here.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 08540
I also have some other projects underway.
A while back I had created a "Limerick thread" which soon will be sent in and to see if it will be published. For more on that click here.
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/11 85186/1
Anyway again, I still have some extra projects underway like 60 Frame Collab 4 and some other crap. (Not literally).
By the way, your hair really shines against that gleem of light